Aug 012011

Hello everyone, Brelston here. Trying to get this thing off the ground, should be up and running shortly. The goal – a weekly podcast devoted to sharing and exploring various game soundtracks, not unlike my older “Game music of the day” posts on GamesRadar. But now, I’ll run through several songs per game, and also try to point you in the direction of legit ways to purchase said VGM.

And in case the name isn’t clear, VGM = Video Game Music, mixed with Empire. I had to explain it to someone once, so it stands to reason other people might not make the connection either. I unnastand!

Checking this out

 Posted by at 4:36 pm

  3 Responses to “VGMpire is sorta live!”

  1. Woo! I LOVE video game music, and its great to hear about other people’s passion for it.

  2. The only problem is it kinda looks like you misspelled “vampire”. Still, cool name, and good to have another site dedicated to videogame music. Just make sure you stray into LucasArts at some point!

  3. Thank you for building this podcast. As someone who loves game music but is completely ignorant, I think you should do a beginner’s guide episode. Something that fully explains your background and lays a good foundation of game music knowledge. Think of it as the podcast you want to point people to when they learn about your podcast and want a starting point.

    Just a suggestion. Love the show and thanks again.

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