Mar 202013

Ten tracks from early PlayStation hits, Loaded and ReLoaded. If you like super listenable background music, take note.

Download here

00:00 – Kick to Kill (Loaded)

08:18 – Track 04 (Loaded)

11:47 – Track 05 (Loaded)

17:21 – Track 07 (Loaded)

25:27 – Track 03 (Loaded)

29:06 – Track 21 (Loaded)

30:17 – Track 14 (Loaded)

36:11 – Track 02 (ReLoaded)

40:12 – Track 03 (ReLoaded)

44:14 – Track 09 (ReLoaded)

53:54 – Track 25 (Loaded)

  13 Responses to “VGMpire Episode 43 – Fully Loaded”

  1. Ooohh… I’m excited to give this one a listen to! Coolest thing about the old PS games was playing the tunes on your CD-player and puttin em on a mix-tape to rock out to in grade-school…. did I just date myself? Another week saved by VG-tunes… thanks again, Sir Brelston.

  2. Never heard of the series.

    This is what I like about VGMpire – when Brett gets around to the Zelda series, I’m pretty stoked, but all it is is a circle-jerk – everyone knows Zelda, and knows the music is good. I’m glad to participate in the circle-jerk, but there was nothing new there to experience. That he’s exposing me to stuff I’d never hear is what I really enjoy. Thanks Brett!

    So, what’s the dealio with a Best of 2012 episode, as late as it would be? Episode 9, best of 2011, is still one of my favorite episodes, due to the variety and that it starts with a shreddin’ guitar.

    • This is irrelevant now, but for whatever reason, the soundtrack gives me a strong White Town – Your Woman vibe. Something about the combination of synth and real instruments, I think…

  3. Ah, after hearing this series brought up in many a VGMpire, I’ll finally get to hear what all the fuss is about. And just in time for my incredibly long drive to PAX tomorrow, too.

  4. I didn’t realize that Pop Will Eat Itself did music for Loaded. I like their sampladelic early-90’s stuff, but the noisier stuff they did later, like the Loaded songs, aren’t as interesting to me. One of the guys went on to do Bentley Rhythm Ace, which Brett might remember from the big beat days of the late 90’s.

    I rented Loaded, along with Twisted Metal, and never played either too much. It must have been one of the last games I rented, after that I mostly bought everything I played on the succeding systems. It was a weird time, playing games that don’t really hook you, on a system by someone who wasn’t Nintendo or Sega, so you didn’t feel as invested as in the earlier console wars.

  5. Man, and I was just thinking about how nice it would be having a new VGMPire to listen to at work today.
    Keep ’em coming Brett!

  6. Wow, I never heard of either of these games. I never had a Playstation and wasn’t following games media at that point in my life, so my knowledge of Playstation games was limited to what my neighbors bought. But DAYUM! that music is nice. Really enjoyed this episode more than I expected

  7. Also, is it just me, or are new episodes of VGMpire not showing up on the Lasertime frontpage anymore? I havn’t seen one pop up there since the Zelda episode.

  8. Huh… Even though me and my bro got a PSOne rather early in it’s life-cycle, I had never even heard of either of these games XD Having listened to the music though, there’s definitely something of value here, I specially love track 05 of Loaded!

  9. For a suggestion for another episode, could we get some Fire Emblem tracks? FE:A is particularly good.

  10. Great podcast! It’s introduced me to so much awesome music. I would live to hear a Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy episode though.

  11. I’ve only heard about Loaded and Re-Loaded from an old ’96 issue of GamePro but never played them. That artwork of the clown skull guy is an enormous blast from the past.

    The gameplay reminds me a lot of Machine Hunter, another PS1 top-down shooter. Musically, this is pretty flipping awesome! I’d love to get the soundtracks to them.

  12. Considering the brutally violent overhead fuck’em up gameplay and quality soundtrack, Loaded is practically a predecessor to Hotline Miami… (please do an updated indie mix, Brett!)

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