Aug 192013

Every single time I see that classic Capcom logo and its accompanying jingle (you know the one), I instinctively input a code from the Street Fighter II SNES port. At the time, it was DOWN R UP L Y B, and I put that code in countless times from August 1992 to July 1993. A year of that has burned it into my brain so much that when DuckTales Remastered first booted up, I had to try. And would you look at that, WayForward made it so that code unlocks the NES game’s original 8-bit soundtrack. Continue reading »

Jul 102013

Little late to the party on this one, but if somehow you haven’t heard the news and praise, OCR’s gone and released a massive 74-track remix album dedicated to Final Fantasy VI (or III if you’re one of THOSE PEOPLE). As with all of OCR’s projects, the genre spread is pretty wide, so expect rock, trance, orchestral and everything in between.  Continue reading »

Apr 292012

This video’s actually a bit old (late 2011) but after seeing it linked around on Twitter today I felt the need to share it. For those not in the know, Turok 2 was an N64 FPS that made good use of the 4MB RAM expansion, allowing for improved visuals and clarity etc.

Two things always stood out to me: The Cerebral Bore gun that dove its way into your enemies’ heads and spewed brain matter everywhere, and then the enchanting Port of Adia theme that introduces this video… Continue reading »

Mar 052012

I’ve been a Virt fan for some time now – probably beginning with this incredible Shadowgate remix – and ever since he became part of WayForward he’s continued to crank out quality stuff. This latest release isn’t tied to a game, but FX4 is nonetheless worthy of a listen, as it channels all the awesomeness of a newly energized NES, ready to blast the world with 8-bitty goodness.  Continue reading »